fight night...

violence+beer+ass=a normal night in carroll county
violence+beer+ass+admission=an historic evening in carroll county

so, first ever boxing match in carroll county, might have been a mistake on the editor's part to tell me i have free reign and can document the evening how i want...i imagine there will be some raised voices in the newsroom come monday morning...also i might have to take over designing the double truck to avoid more yelling later in the week...oh hell, here are some i've edited thus far...

...sideline ref...






...ring ref...

..."those girls ain't from carroll county, 'cause i've never seen 'em like that"...

...this last photo is shit, but sorta funny, note two things 1. the girl in the front row center thinking this is a real photo shoot, not a camera phone frenzy, which it was and 2. the girl back row far left with the hounds tooth pattern bikini, which is classy no matter where you're from...

...i was dreaming about the mark ii last night, all night while i had to shoot in this dungeon with work's cameras, which are essentially bricks with lens mounts...

this link goes out to gomez for making the move...

1 comment:

Mark Mulligan said...

Drew, when I have my magazine, you can design all the double trucks you want. Hell, I'll let you have those triple truck pull out things like in National Geographic even! Actually, we'll have quadruple trucks!!! Your trucks will circumnavigate the globe!